That Spring Day When A Naked Dripping Wet Man With A Broken Arm Knocked On My Front Door

Carol Lawrence
4 min readFeb 15, 2022

Just to be clear this isn’t the beginning of a hot romance novel. This is the story about how I experienced another (I've had many) intuitive events that showed me beyond proof how to trust my inner guidance system.

Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

An Intuitive Response

On a sunny spring day, I was taking a break from working in my home office and watching a show with my husband. I heard a faint knock at the door.

I told my husband someone was at the door. He opened it and didn’t see anyone and shut it right away.

I stood up and started walking backwards towards the kitchen. I told him again someone was knocking on our front door. He looked at me funny and knew by the way I had backed up something was up. I didn’t realize at the time I had walked backwards away from the door, but I knew by how my body reacted and felt inside that what was on the other side of the door wasn’t for me.

My husband opened the door and stepped outside. I cracked the living room window so I could hear. Normally I’d be the first person out the door seeing what's going on. You should have seen my response when a delivery driver dropped off a package at nine pm in the dark unannounced. He shouted out his name real fast when I came barreling out the door.

I could hear a young man talking with my husband. He had swam across the spring-filled swollen river and walked straight to our home. He said, “they,” told him we could help him. The fact that he made it across the swollen river with a broken arm unharmed was a feat in itself.

Randy, my husband poked his head in the door and asked me to go grab a pair of his shorts out of his dresser.

I slipped the shorts out the door. I instinctively knew not to look.

The young man had a cast on, was dripping wet, and very scared. It was clear he was having a nervous breakdown. As my husband reassured him he could help him, I called 911. The responder on the phone knew exactly who I was talking about and asked us to keep talking to him until the police could arrive. They had been trying to catch up with him for several hours on the other side of the river and had lost his whereabouts when he jumped into the river. They addressed him by his name and gently escorted him away.

Feelings Of Sadness And Gratitude

I felt sad for him. I knew he was troubled and having a difficult time. On the other hand, I was grateful he was led to us and we were able to help. Not everyone would have handled the situation as casually as my husband did. I truly hope he received the care he needed.

Listening To My Body

My body knew instinctually something was wrong. I could feel it. Even though I knew something wasn’t right, I didn’t feel fear. I believe I was guided away from the door for a few reasons. This situation was meant for Randy to handle and the young man was naked. He was clearly already distressed. He did mention to Randy he felt safe with him and had lost his shorts in the river.

Soul To Soul Body Talk

Whenever you are contemplating a decision or actively in a situation you need immediate guidance, ask yourself these questions.
How does it feel in your body?
Are you running to something?
Running away from something? Is your body confirming a certain feeling or knowing?

Stand firmly. Completely relax your body and quietly in your mind or out loud, ask yourself if this is the best decision for you to make.
Does your body lean forward towards the idea?
Does your body stay centered feeling neutral?
Or does your body naturally fall slightly backward moving away from the idea? I encourage you to practice listening to your intuition and your body.

You never know, it could save your life, help advert disaster, lead you to your next big creative project or guide you to a new adventure!

Carol Lawrence is an author, small business owner, and proud grandmother to three very bright granddaughters! She resides in the mountains of Montana with her husband, five chickens, friends, and family.

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