Carol Lawrence
4 min readSep 10, 2023


Guiding Kids Through a Changing World

Creating a Safe Space for Your Child

September. The air begins to hold a hint of autumn’s crispness, the leaves begin their slow transition into a blend of colors, and our children are adjusting to a new academic year. But this September isn’t just about the changing seasons or back-to-school/homeschooling routines. It’s about facing a world that feels different, a world that may seem more chaotic and unbalancing for some parents and their children.

News headlines scream of climate change, political unrest, and public health crises. The uncertainty and fear that you may feel can easily seep into your parenting, creating an atmosphere of anxiety in your home. But it doesn’t have to be this way. As parents, we have the power to create a safe space for our children and be able to guide them through these turbulent times with grace and resilience. This is where intentional conscious parenting comes in.

Intentional conscious parenting is about being present, mindful, and deliberate in our interactions with our kids. It’s about fostering an environment of safety, understanding, and open communication.

Our September’s Intentional Conscious Parenting Tip is about helping our kids navigate the changing world without transferring our fears onto them.

Understand Your Emotions

The first step in preventing the transfer of fear to our children is understanding our own emotions. When we’re scared, our bodies react instinctively — our heart rate increases, our breath quickens, and our muscles tense up. This fear response is natural, but when we’re constantly in this state, it can affect our children.

When you are feeling fear or uncertainty create a practice of exploring whether it’s your own fear you are feeling, someone else’s, or the collective energy as a whole. Use your psychic senses to discern what you are feeling.

Take time each day to check in with your emotions. Are you feeling anxious? Scared? Overwhelmed? Acknowledge these feelings without judgment. They’re a normal response to the world around us. But remember, you also have the power to manage these emotions.

Practicing mindfulness can help.

By focusing on the present moment — the feel of your breath, the sensation of your feet on the ground — you can shift away from fear and towards a state of calm. And when you’re calm, your children will feel safer too.

Turning off media and fearful content in front of your children helps lessen their exposure to fear-based influence.

Participating in calming activities such as meditation, yoga, working puzzles, playing games, or doing crafts can help you and your family channel energy into meaningful activities.

Model Emotional Regulation

Children learn more from what we do than what we say. When they see us managing our emotions effectively, they learn to do the same.

Modeling emotional regulation can be as simple as taking a few deep breaths when you’re feeling stressed, or as complex as demonstrating problem-solving in the face of challenges. The key is to show our children that while fear is a natural response to uncertainty, it doesn’t have to control our actions.

Remember, it’s okay to share your feelings with your children. But also share how you’re managing those feelings. This transparency can help them understand that it’s normal to feel scared and that it’s possible to navigate those feelings effectively. Young children do not need to be aware of the media’s onslaught of bad news or tragic events happening around the world. They need to be children, be able to play, and live in their present state.

Creating a Safe Space for Your Child

Physical safety is crucial, but so is emotional safety. Children need to know that they can express their feelings without fear of judgment or rejection. Encourage open communication. Let your child know that it’s okay to feel scared, anxious, or upset. Validate their emotions and offer comfort and support.

A key part of emotional safety is predictability. Routines can provide a sense of stability in an uncertain world. Maintain regular meal times, bedtimes, and play times. These familiar patterns can serve as anchors, helping your child feel safe and secure. Routines can be helpful but be mindful of not overbooking and over-stimulating your child. Allow for free-flowing playing time.

Creating a safe space for your child isn’t just about protecting them from the craziness going on in the world. It’s about equipping them with the tools to navigate it. And the most powerful tool we can give them is the knowledge that they are loved, valued, and safe.

This September, let’s commit to intentional conscious parenting. Let’s guide them through the changing world with love, wisdom, and an expanded heart.

After all, the world may be changing, but our role as parents remains the same: to love, nurture, and guide our children as they navigate their journey through life.

Supporting the inner light of the children,

Carol Lawrence and Stacy Toten

10 Ways To Parent Consciously Parenting In The New Paradigm

“The perfect addition to your conscious parenting toolbox. This book bridges the gap for those seeking to shift from traditional parenting to a more mindful present approach.” ~ Dr. Shefali Tsabary, Author and Clinical Psychologist

